Men Enjoy Wine at Home – but in Bars, Mates Take the Mickey

Posted on the 01 May 2014 by 72point @72hub

British blokes enjoy wine at home  - but shy away from ordering it at the pub because their mates take the mickey, it has been revealed. A study of 1,500 adults found around nine out of ten men are happy to consume the odd bottle of wine, red or white, in the comfort of their own home.

But only one in four would drink wine on a night out with male mates or colleagues.

The results also showed men are more likely to push the boat out on wine when hosting dinner parties or having friends over – in a more formal setting.

A spokesman for Côtes du Rhône wines, which commissioned the report, said:

”A large number of British blokes now say they enjoy a glass of wine when in their own home, but the majority still swap their Paris goblet for a pint pot, or order a spirit & mixer when out with friends in the pub, at a party or in a restaurant.

”Just a small number of men drink a glass of wine when down the pub. At parties the number increases slightly, and in a restaurant than figure rises to just over half.”

The study also found more than one quarter of men now very consciously serve wines to their guests that are designed to create an impression.

Women, it appears, don’t feel the same; just under one in five said they select a wine to create a talking point.

The desire to make a mark now means that almost three quarters of British men won’t ever chance it at a supper party with a wine they aren’t familiar with.

Over three in five men say that they won’t ever serve guests a wine that they had first enjoyed at another friend’s home.

The findings also show men are most concerned with making sure that the wine complements the food being served, even if they didn’t actually cook it.

British women on the other hand are happier to serve an accessible wine that best suits the drinking preferences of their guests.

The study also shows that we now think little of spending more than £10 on a bottle of wine if it will create the right impression.