It's amazing how a whole craze was able to arise from a single color.
But has this always been the case?
According to some, women have a natural tendency to be attracted to the color pink. According to some theories, tens of thousands of years ago, when men used to hunt and women to gather (which, by the way, is not a certain fact, as there is nothing to indicate this directly), women needed to spot berries quick and easy, which are red and pink; and, therefore have developed a natural instinct that drew them to these colors.
Back to the color pink and history, it might come as a surprise to many to find out that once upon a time, the color associated with masculinity was in fact... pink. So much for the ancient times theory. Moreover, the once upon a time was not even so long ago. In the 1800s, even though most children would simply wear white clothes, it was actually quite common for boys to be dressed in pink and for girls to be dressed in blue. When this "trend" started is not quite sure, but in 1794, Xavier de Maistre, a French author said in his work "A Journey Around My Room" that he recommends men to paint their rooms pink and white, as it would improve their mood.
So when did it become an unwritten rule that boys should wear blue and girls should wear pink and how did it come to be such a taboo for men to wear pink?
One of the earliest references to blue being a boys' color and pink being a girls' color comes from June 1918, when a trade publication called "Earnshaw's Infants' Department" wrote that " The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink , being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl."
A few years after that, in 1927, Time magazine released a chart that highlighted gender-appropriate colors, according to the time's leading US retailers such as Best & Co., Halle's or Marshall Field. The chart advised parents to dress their boys in pink and girls in blue.
However, it wasn't long before all this changed. And the reason is a purely economic one. If until then, in case a couple had a second child, the child would wear his older sibling's used clothes; now, if the child was of a different sex, he or she would need a whole new set of clothes.
And, because in our patriarchal society it is degrading to be a woman (otherwise, how can you explain why it is empowering for a woman to wear pants but degrading for a man to wear a dress?), men wearing pink became, well, degrading.
It is amazing how today too we often fall victims of our own past, fear-driven paradigm. In fashion, pink was often a color associated with homosexuality as well, as gay men were also a taboo during the 19 th and 20 th century. The reason why this has not changed faster is because nobody wanted to be the one to stand up for the idea that men and women are equal and that pink is just a color. The reason why nobody stood up is because a person associated with a taboo idea becomes taboo him or herself too. Being a social taboo leads to becoming an outsider, which is contrarian to human nature - we all have a strong need for belonging.
These ideas make us only be more thankful for the movers and shakers such as Gloria Steinem or Harvey Milk, who have worked extremely hard to promote ideas of equality.
"The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn."
Gloria Steinem
However, with the rise of the Internet, more and more people are able to voice their opinions and to create a culture where it is OK for men to be who they are, to wear whatever they want, regardless of their sexuality; even if this is the color pink.
These days, pink has become a staple of strength: a man who wears pink is a man who is so confident and strong that he doesn't fear becoming an outsider. A man wearing pink is a man who challenges the norms, and what is a greater power than to broaden the minds of people and give them something to think about?
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading: Toys, body image and gender roles The politics of dressing up: Masculinity vs. Femininity A debate: children's clothes, ads and rolesP.S. What do you think about the idea of men wearing pink? How is it seen where you live? Share your thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!