Melted Crayon Shaving Picture

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
We have some old crayons. To put them to good use we decided to make something with them.
I made crayon shavings using a vegetable peeler. I arranged a sheet of baking paper. I put some newspapers and a kitchen towel under it as we needed to use the iron later.
Then Defne arranged them on the  paper to her hearts content.
She said a ballerina is dancing in the middle ;)
Then I folded over the wax paper and ironed it on a low setting. We observed how the crayons melted. A few minutes later, when it  was cool enough for Defne to handle it, she peeled the  paper and voila!
We loved the colours!Happily shared with Get crafty, It's Playtime, Preschool corner