Melissa & Doug Created by Me! Flower Fleece Quilt No-Sew Craft Kit

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies

Kiki’s Accidental Masterpiece 

Have you ever accidentally made something awesome? 

-- Kiki isn’t exactly known for her artistic skills, but when her kids wanted to try making a fleece quilt, she gave it a go. After a lot of trial and error (and a few extra knots that weren’t part of the plan), they somehow ended up with a blanket that’s now the family’s favorite movie-night accessory. Kiki jokes that her “abstract design” was totally intentional, but her kids know the truth!  

Melissa & Doug Created by Me! Flower Fleece Quilt No-Sew Craft Kit

37% price drop

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#CraftingWithKids #NoSewQuiltFun #CreativeQuiltIdeas #DIYFleeceBlanket #FamilyCraftProjects #CozyMomentsMade

NOTE: Prices are accurate at the time of posting. Prices can change at any time.

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