Melanie Griffith’s Seizures Stopped After She Got Divorced

Posted on the 20 October 2017 by Sumithardia

Melanie Griffith’s Seizures Stopped After She Got Divorced

When I saw that Melanie Griffith spoke on a panel with Sharon Stone on Wednesday night, I got excited thinking it was just going to be Sharon reenacting the iconic Basic Instinct snatch scene (which The Sun reached by saying she did) taking turns reenacting the Basic Instinct snatch shot and Melanie talking about Antonio Banderas’ peen. Instead, it was a serious talk where Melanie opened up about battling epilepsy and said all her ills went away as soon as she signed her divorce papers. 

During a panel at the Women’s Brain Health Initiative in Beverly Hills, Melanie told the audience that she was diagnosed with the disease six years ago after having two seizures on a yacht outside of Cannes. Melanie opened up more (via People):

“I had this major grand mal seizure and they took me to the hospital in Cannes and then brought me back to the boat. And then I had another seizure and I went back [to the hospital]. They did the EEG and started to look at it seriously…When I came back [to the U.S.], I was diagnosed with epilepsy and nobody had said to me over a period of 20 years, no one paid enough attention to even diagnose me.”

That sounds pretty spooky, but Melanie says she’s lived seizure-free for four years. She said they were brought on by stress. But she also joke that her seizures went away after Antonio Banderas did too. So two good things happened after Melanie got divorced: She got to rid of that arm tattoo, and she became seizure-free!

“I got divorced, which is a real healer for me.”

See, marriage is bad for your health! And what’s a healer for me is seeing Melanie and Sharon rock Palo Alto power lesbian real estate broker lewks!

@MelanieGriffith & host @sharonstone at the VIP Conversation for Women's Brain Health Initiative #womenshealth #vip

— Patrick McMullan (@PatrickMcMullan) October 19, 2017


Source: Melanie Griffith’s Seizures Stopped After She Got Divorced

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