Meet Tyrone...

By Love Style Blogging @lovestyleblog

Photos by: Bill Chen
One of the great things about working where I do is that you are surrounded by super creative beings.  Speaking of creative, I managed to get one of my collegues to agree to be my photographer from time to time for my blog.  A lot of my outfits are worn to work and at times are too dressy to wear on a weekend so this is the perfect partnership to sharing my days with you as I work my way through the Blogosphere. 
So, meet Bill Chen who is a professional photographer and a digital artist (currently working on 'The Great Gatsby' - lucky thing gets to see Leo on his screen everyday!!!!).  Bill also runs a blog called 'Meet Tyrone' that's his creative vehicle outside of work focusing on photography and street style.
Check it out! Happy Friday!
Big Love,LSB
Top: ZaraSkirt: Asos Pleat SkirtAccessories: Vintage, Diva, Asos, Tiffany & CoScarf: Tie RackBag: Vintage LVShoes: Sergio Rossi
Sunglasses: Flavio CastellaniLipstick: MAC Lipglass Viva Glam Cyndi