The Num Noms have landed in Tesco stores across the UK. They are bound to be the latest collectable craze amongst kids and girls in particular.
The Num Noms come as cute little characters which are in the form of sweet foods such as cakes and ice cream. There are a few different packs and this is one of the starter packs which costs about £8.99.
The name Num Noms is the names of the individual pieces. There is the "Nom" which is either motorised piece which moves about; or a piece filled with lip gloss. The "Nums" are th soft squishy characters which can be stacked on top of the "Nom"
The pack came with a spoon too and in this one, an ice cream cone. Each pack makes a different sweet food so all the parts will differ. Many packs are available so many different combos can be created. The Num Noms also come scented with lovely sweet smells.
Our Num Nom pack made an ice cream but combined with other packs they will make other flavours and items. There are over 1000 to collect.
Buying more than one Num Nom pack also means the Num Noms can race. They move around pretty quickly on the floor but do have a tendancy to fall over and collapse quite often.
It's probably easier to try to build and stack the num nom before switching it on.
This is series 1 of num Noms and that can only mean there are many more to come and collect. The num noms come as starter packs, blind pots, deluxe packs and also a playset. They are available from tesco and other good toy stores and suitable for ages 5 and over.