Meet the ‘Human Puppy’ Man Who Enjoys Being Treated Like a Dog

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

From Tom is a man who enjoys dressing up as and being treated like a puppy. As his ‘alter ego’ Spot, Tom walks on all fours, sleeps in a cage and eats dog biscuits out of a bowl.

He and others who also like ‘becoming’ puppies are the subject of a Channel 4 documentary, called The Secret Life Of Human Pups.

Speaking to hosts Phillip and Holly, he insisted that what he does shouldn’t be looked at as something wrong. He said: ‘People think of it as seedy and that no one should see it. But we’re not there to cause mischief, we’re there to have fun and literally be treated like a puppy.’

ITV Photo

And in case you were wondering, he doesn’t go to the toilet in the same way a dog would. ‘I will drop back into the human mindset for going to the loo,’ he explained.

Despite Tom’s calm reasoning behind what he does, some viewers didn’t quite understand it. But others felt that it was all harmless fun and he should be allowed to live his life.

Of Spot Tom added: ‘It became an alter ego. You pretend and dress up as a child – why can’t you do it as an adult?’

His ex-fiance Rachel admitted that Spot caused them to split up, but she said they are now closer than ever. Rachael Watson said: ‘I wish he had other hobbies, possibly something a bit more down to earth. But he is how he is. When he’s Spot he becomes confident, but when he’s Tom he won’t go to a bar and ask for a drink.’

Spot and his ex-fiancé/ITV Photo

I’m proud of him for being true to himself. I miss him but we’re a lot closer and better.’