Meet the Broads of The Broadcast

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia

(top) Pat Smith and Susie Humphries  (bottom) Lisa Pineiro and Courtney Kerr

What do Emmitt Smith's other half and motivational speaker Pat Smith, reality star Courtney Kerr, and broadcast journalists Lisa Pineiro and Susie Humphreys have in common? They are co-hosts of a new television show launching on February 18 called D: The Broadcast. Picture "The View" with Susie being Barbara Walters, Courtney as Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Pat as Sherry Sheppard and Lisa as a younger version of Joy Behar.  The show will touch on various lifestyle and "news of the day" related topics.  D's FrontBurner is rolling out a series of interviews this week to introduce readers to their new broads. They kicked off today with Courtney Kerr.
Late last year, D Magazine announced a partnership with London Broadcasting, which owns KTXD. The station will rebrand itself as D-TV one show at a time. For example, Kimberly Schlegel Whitman and Hillary Kennedy have a show on the station called Texas Living. It will soon be called D Living. Eventually, the station will begin a series of shows that focus on D Magazine features, like its top 10 lists.