She begins her literary series with this "Lizzie Bennet-Darcy" piece for a commission work. A piece to praise Elizabeth Darcy's beauty, sweetness, delicacy and intelligence! More Austenian pieces (heroines or couples) to come through next weeks, from her personal idea or commissions.
Sabbio, who generally paints from 11.81" inches high to 32" inches high pieces (circular, oval, rectangular and square), shipping them internationally, is offering you, fellow Janeites, her "best clients offer", for you to be offered, to offer yourself or another Janeite a painting of your favorite Austenian characters, someone you know or yourself in an Austenian style or any other painting you would love : 20 % off her paintings (existing or your commissions) up to 19.50" high and 30 % off those from 19.68" high and higher. She will communicate her rates through mail when asked but,for indicative purposes, Lizzie (11.81" of diameter, 30 cm) was sold 180,00 € (234 $) and a 15.74 x 19.68" (40x50 cm) is 400,00 € (521,00 $)... these are the rates before your offer (which can be used several times) is applied. Her e-mail for any question and commissions : duhautdemoncannelier(at) Her online portfolio : Her blog (posts in French and English) : Her facebook :