Meet Morty and Lee as They Learn About the #SwifferEffect

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
When it comes to marriage, it’s not always the big issues that divide us, like infidelity. It’s more often the little things, like spending money and doing household chores. Small pet peeves and irritations in these areas can slowly erode your relationship. Whenever I speak with an older couple that has been married for many years, they insist that they have their share of spats like any couple. But they’ve found ways to keep the humor in their marriage and not let these minor disagreements escalate into major issues. Check out the senior couple in the video below. I couldn’t stop smiling when I saw how they relate to each other. Even if they don’t always see eye-to-eye, they’ve managed to hold onto their love and respect for each other.

Aren’t Morty and Lee adorable? I love that they’re still affectionate and enjoy each other’s company after all these years. And it certainly looked like they were having fun shooting the video and trying out the Swiffer products! With products like those from Swiffer, it’s easier for busy parents, senior citizens, and everyone to have a clean home without the back-breaking methods of yesteryear. At our house, we replaced all of the carpeting with tile and wood, and I love how easy it is to clean with Swiffer Sweepers, especially in hard-to-reach places like under the couch. We also have high ceilings, so Swiffer Dusters and Extenders make it easy to clean light fixtures and ceiling fans that we can’t reach.
I hope that when we’ve joined the ranks of senior citizens that my husband and I show the same humor and affection for each other as Morty and Lee. We’ll definitely be agreeing on one thing: We love Swiffer products! And, yes, we BOTH use them, which definitely makes for a more harmonious relationship.

Disclosure: Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Swiffer.