Meet Mifune, Maine Coon Of Copenhagen

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

I had the pleasure of meeting Mifune the Maine Coon a couple of months ago during my visit to Denmark. He’s as old as the hills, with a vintage fur coat. I wasn’t sure if he would be displeased with me if I gave him some attention, as vintage cats — like vintage people — tend to be ornery. I was in his space, but he was really quite gracious and accommodating. The pictures make him look ferocious, but it’s more like a ferocious yawn.

As my days with vintage cats (Hugh, Beano and Xena) slip further into the past, my current dog days make me forget what it’s like to have a cat around. It’s a pleasure to be reminded now and again. (Although I should mention a few weeks after these pictures were taken, I was hissed at by Kitty, Helma’s cat in Pennsylvania who hates me. Here’s the evidence. I won’t take it personally, I think she hates everyone but Helma.)

September 22, 2016
Album: Denmark 2016