When did you first start playing singing/ playing music?
“I started playing music when I was 11 years old in a bluegrass band with my family. I learned a ton from playing at dozens of festivals and little churches around the area.”
Have you had any crazy or dramatic show experience’s yet?
“Not anything too crazy yet! It was pretty crazy amazing to play at the Colt Stadium in Indianapolis last month. I had always dreamed of playing a stadium, and it was pretty surreal to be performing for 20,000 kids.”
What inspires you the most when song writing?
“People. I’m from a family of 10 kids, and I have a really tight community surrounding me in my hometown in Virginia. People shape every song I write. Someone or some character I’ve met in a book trigger my long nights of songwriting.”
How would you describe your sound?
You will be performing with a few great artist coming up in
Playing for the Backstreet Boys was absolutely amazing! I love their harmonies. They are all extremely nice guys. I brought my friend with me to the concert, and we danced the whole night away.
Is there anything you would like to tell our Reader’s?
“You are precious! You are interesting, lovable, and braver than you think. You have the ability to make someone’s life better, so do it. :)”