![post player play black MEET MANFRED KIDD AND THEIR MOST EXCELLENT DEBUT EP [STREAM]](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/94/942816/meet-manfred-kidd-and-their-most-excellent-de-L-rmVaiS.png)
![post player play MEET MANFRED KIDD AND THEIR MOST EXCELLENT DEBUT EP [STREAM]](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/94/942816/meet-manfred-kidd-and-their-most-excellent-de-L-U7QEwT.png)
Manfred Kidd’s debut EP sounds almost like two childhood best friends holed up together in meaningful locales, creating a masterful set of introductory songs — and that’s what it is. Having been compared to The Killers and Passion Pit, the duo’s sound is celebratory rock meets animated pop that feels loosely calculated in its compact rhythms and chill vocals, sealing its spot in the Cool Math Party genre. This is one of those EPs that manages to never dull, only heighten as it progresses, ending with an inevitable repeat play — i.e. infinite plays. Versatility plays a big factor in their sound, as their close attention to detail makes it fantastic through headphones, yet its anthemic qualities make it large enough to fill a room. Best of all, Manfred Kidd’s Where Were You When You Were Us is an EP perfect for this summer day, and you can listen to it right now on Soundcloud after hearing the EP’s lead single, “Lights”, above.