Meet Champ, the Happiest Dog in the World

By David13676 @dogspired

Meet Champ, the happiest dog in the world20-year-old Candice Sedighan was recently flown out by Yahoo! (the parent of Flickr) to New York City to do a short interview about her incredibly sweet photography. Two days ago, Flickr posted that interview on their blog, sharing the behind-the-scenes story about the golden-haired subject that’s in most of her shots. Sedighan’s photos feature a very happy and photogenic golden retriever. Surrounded by bubbles, autumn leaves and butterflies, 10-year-old Champ seems to be truly living the good life.

“I really like to capture the true essence with dogs, which is that they’re always so happy,” the college student told Flickr. “The time Champ and I spend together, he’s just always beaming with happiness and you can really see that through my photos.”

Sedighan claims that the near unbelievable photo of Champ with a butterfly on his nose is not the result of Photoshop but instead of “an extraordinary trained model,” her very own Champ. Though we can’t get enough of those perfectly timed shots, the ones that we love the most are the ones where Champ looks like he’s smiling. Is it just us or is his happiness, and overall love of life, infectious?

Meet Champ, the happiest dog in the world

Meet Champ, the happiest dog in the world

Meet Champ, the happiest dog in the world

Meet Champ, the happiest dog in the world

Meet Champ, the happiest dog in the worldMeet Champ, the happiest dog in the world

~ Courtesy of My Modern Met


Tags: candice sendighan, dog photography, golden retriever, happy dog