Medicine’s to the Happy Few

Posted on the 21 August 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Medicine – Long As The Sun Free Download

After dissolving and going their separate ways, the original lineup of Medicine have clearly decided that an eighteen year hiatus is long enough! If you discount 2003′s The Mechanical Forces of Love, which was effectively put together by Medicine’s founding man, Brad Laner, and Shannon (the daughter of Bruce) Lee, then To The Happy Few is the band’s first “legit” record since 1995. After hearing the newly reformed unit’s reunion piece, I can only ask of them — why wait so long?! For a group that’s been out of the game for nearly two decades, you’d expect there to be a lot of rust and dust to this record, but if anything, it’s quite the opposite. To The Happy Few sizzles with chemistry and serves as a continuous reminder that the magic is still, most definitely there.

Medicine have often been labelled as America’s answer to My Bloody Valentine, a comparison which on a foundational level is sort of true. Anyone enraptured by the frazzled, blistering burst of shoegaze guitar that forms the bass of their distortion drenched sound can see where lines between the two projects have been drawn. The key difference between these distant cousins, though, can be heard in all its glory via Medicine’s latest effort. Where MBV offer a deeper, darker, denser and often much more melancholic experience, Medicine live up to their namesake by making you feel better. Although the two share a similar sense of fractured disposition, as heard on To The Happy Few, Medicine are much more upbeat and energized. This is very much a summer record, albeit a summer record for those who like their sunny meditations with a much crispier coating and textured feel.

Behind its ringing feedback and wall of sound, there’s truly an uplifting heart to this record, one that pumps melodic pop through its system as it beats with vitality and vigor. Sure, there are a few shadows lurking in the corner, and the record takes a couple of rough turns here and there, but after all this time, surely a few rough edges are to be expected.

As a whole, To The Happy Few is a pure joy to experience — the album is layered, weighty and lovingly crafted, but still carries a certain lightness with its sky-bound hooks throughout. If you’re looking for an alternative, feel-good record for the rest of the summer season, this is it! Hell, if you’re looking for an alternative, feel-good record for any season, this is it! Im not sure what the future holds for Medicine, but I sincerely hope it doesn’t include another prolonged bout of hibernation. If the administration of this record has told us anything, it’s that our parents were right along – Medicine really is good for you!