Measurement in Marketing Helps Improve Efforts

Posted on the 22 June 2011 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “What gets Measured, gets _____.”

Managed is the word that comes to mind.

However I want to exchange the word with Improved. It only makes sense if you want to do better on something, you pay attention to it and check the impact that changes have on it.

What do you currently measure?

Time practicing? Finances? Fitness? Video game times? Skiing? Golf game scores? Whatever it is you’re passionate about and trying to improve, one critical element is measurement. It’s the same with marketing.

Here are some of the measures I use for measuring website or blog effectiveness:

Google analytics: measures number of viewers, page views, time on site, location, entry and exit page, goal conversion (did you click on contact & receive a thank you page?).

Quantcast: demographics of readers including gender, age, children per household, education status, income levels and other characteristics — (Don’t worry, it’s in the aggregate, not by individual!!)

Sitemeter: I know that Google Analytics really does the same thing, but I really like the way they serve up “search words”.

Feedburner: Besides letting you measure blog feed information, feedburner also helps you to build awareness of your blog using headline generators. I like the email subscription tool. The troubleshoot section can be helpful too.

Mail Chimp and Constant Contact reports: email opens. Link click thru rates.

What tools do you use to measure your online marketing?

Please leave a comment below with the tool you use and how you use it. Thanks!