Meals of the Week, November 19th - 25th, 2023

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr

I can't believe it is Sunday again. These weeks really do come around quickly. It is hard to believe that we are already at the November and that there is only one month left in 2023! Here I am with another Meals of the Week post!  This is the day that I like to share all of my tasty main meals which I have enjoyed over the past seven days!  

I have been doing this since April. It is something which I really enjoy doing and something which many of you enjoy also. As a person who lives on their own I like to keep a record of what I eat and I also like to be accountable for what I eat and manage my grocery bill/storecupboard as best as I can. These posts help me to keep a record in a way.  

When I was growing up you always knew what day of the week that it was from what my mother was cooking for supper.  Every day of the week had the same meal cooked from one week to the next. I never want my meals to become boring or repetitious, which can very easily happen when you live on your own!

I also like to use up all that I have in the larder, freezer, refrigerator as well, and keeping a weekly record like this helps me to be accountable. This week I did eat out and at my sister's several times. My son was here visiting for part of it and there was much to celebrate! 

Cooking for yourself doesn't have to be difficult or boring. Nor does it have to be expensive.  Each week I try to use up all of my resources and to have the least amount of waste as possible. 

These are only my main meals. For breakfast I usually have toast or cereal and on a rare occasion a muffin or maybe even a pancake.  I eat my main meal at noon most of the time unless I am eating out or  with my family.  For suppers (which is my lunch) I tend to have salads or sandwiches, maybe soup, and yes sometimes I will have a bowl of cereal. 

I can tell you that I am never bored with any of it and I hope that by my sharing what I eat on a weekly basis, I can help you to plan your meals and menus as well!  So here you go,  these were my meals for the past week!

SUNDAY, November  19th - Sunday Dinner at my Sister's

Most Sundays I will have dinner at my sister's. My son Doug was visiting this week and we both went over to my sisters for dinner together. My sister had cooked a lovely roast pork this week which she served with an array of vegetables on the side.

I am sharing my Roast Pork with Sage and Potatoes with you as an alternative.  My sister cooked her roast in the air fryer, and there is no recipe.  My pork recipe roasts in the oven and turns out lovely and succulent. It is tender and well flavored. It roasts with the potatoes which as you can see get all golden and sticky from the pork juices. Applesauce and some vegetables go very well on the side!

We had a tasty Apple pie with a crumble topping and caramel sauce drizzled over top for dessert with plenty of whippy cream!

MONDAY, November 20th - Supper out to celebrate Doug's Birthday

This was my son's last night with me. He was leaving to go home on Tuesday. Since it was his birthday on Thursday, I wanted to take him out to dinner for an early celebration. We just went to Angie's which is a diner style restaurant right around the corner from me.

I had a Toasted Reuben Sandwich with fries and Douglas had the Clubhouse with fries. What I am showing you is my Air Fryer Reuben Sandwich.  Sandwiches toasted in the air fryer are really good. The bread stays nice and crisp. My sandwich at the restaurant was a bit soggy on one side to be honest, however tasty. They should try the air fryer!

Bake at home we shared a Christmas Bailey's Donut from Tim Hortons. Oh boy, was it ever some good! Naughty but very nice!

TUESDAY, November 21st. - Garlic Butter Pineapple Chicken

I had a really busy day on Tuesday. Doug left to go back to the Island and I got busy washing bedding and clearing up, etc.  Putting everything back in its place ready for the next guest.  It was nice to stay busy so that I didn't have time to worry too much about his drive or to think about missing him too much. (Love my boys. Love my girls too.)

A quick and easy supper was on the menu for me. Garlic Butter Pineapple Chicken. I love this stuff.  Its a lovely stir fry filled with loads of lovely flavors. Sweet and savory with just a bit of heat.  I enjoyed it with some steamed rice and broccoli.  Have you ever tried the ready cooked rice in the pouches?  Its perfect for the smaller family. Just the right size with no waste. Its also great for making fried rice.


WEDNESDAY, November 22nd - Dinner out with Dad and Hazel

On Wednesday nights I always have dinner out with my father and his friend Hazel at a local diner called The Big Scoop. This week my sister joined us.  Dad had Chicken Strips, Hazel had the fish and chips. Cindy had Haddie Bits.  I had the Hot Turkey Sandwich

I love hot turkey sandwiches. There is something about the bread and gravy that really sings the song of my heart. I usually have the small eaters dish,  no matter what I order. That way it is not too filling and just the right size.  1/2 of a sandwich, loaded with turkey and turkey gravy, served with some chips and coleslaw on the side. My sister and I skipped dessert!

THURSDAY, November 23rd - Magic Chicken Pie

I had some chicken leftover from my son's visit that I wanted to use and so I made Magic Chicken Pie. This chicken pie is so much easier than a conventional chicken pie. The ingredients are simply layered in a buttered casserole dish and baked. 

First on the bottom there is shredded cooked chicken, which gets topped by some minced onion, some cheese, and the a layer of vegetables. A batter gets poured over top and then it is baked. Three quarters of an hour later and presto chango, just like magic you got a delicious chicken pie! It also freezes well.  So I now have another tasty meal in my freezer for a day when I am pushed for time!  

A salad on the side goes well as there is already plenty of vegetables in the pie itself.

FRIDAY, November 24th - Fish Cakes and Beans

I had another meal out today, this day at my sister's. She had made fish cakes.  We had bought this package of fish cake mix at the farmers market a month or so ago with the idea in mind that she would make fish cakes one day and invite me over.  Dad was there also. He has dinner at Cindy's every night. It gets him out of the house and he gets to eat a nutritious meal that he doesn't have to cook himself. 

At the age of 90, he does very well for himself, but he no longer cooks.  My sister had the fish cakes with some oven chips and green beans.

Traditionally  homemade fish cakes here in the valley would be served with baked beans, coleslaw and sliced tomatoes, which is what I like to do myself.  By the way the fish cakes were fabulously delicious. This is the mix that we used. The package said that it makes 24, but we did not get 24 from it. They must be pretty small. My sister used an ice cream scoop to measure out the cakes and flattened them for frying. She got about 18 I guess. They were really tasty!  I would buy it again!

SATURDAY, November 25th - Easy Chicken Parm for Two

I fancied some Italian food on Saturday and so I made myself some Easy Chicken Parmesan.  Although the recipe is sized for two, I cut it in half yet again to make just enough for myself.  Crispy coated chicken,  topped with a tasty marinara sauce and cheese, served with spaghetti pasta.  Delicious!

I enjoyed a leafy salad on the side for a complete meal. The glutton in me would have liked some garlic bread, but I kept things reasonable.

Speaking of marinara sauce, I watched a YouTube video a few days back where some chef's were taste testing super market tomato sauces.  I found it fascinating.  Their top three brands were the exact same ones I use. I was happy to know, as a non-Italian, that  I have good taste when it comes to this!

And that was my meals of the week for this week!As you can see I ate very well indeed, despite having eaten out several times. I wonder what the deliciousness of the next week will hold!  We shall see!

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