Me, Too!

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk
Jack I spent the weekend preparing the house for Thanksgiving -- and it's still not quite done. We made a lot of progress, though -- it's totally clean and organized, we finally have a functioning bathroom door knob (don't ask) and T-day food shopping is complete. We spent all last night doing a photo collage in our living room -- we have the frames up and tonight I'm going to add the pics. It looks phenomenal and I can't wait to finish it (and share)!
In addition to the wall in the living room, my office/guest bedrooms also needs some sort of decor. I've been scouring the internet and I think this has to be one of my favorite finds based on its simplicity and ... awesomeness.

Via A Beautiful Mess

Those little squares?? They're paint swatches!! How cool is that?!
I'm hoping I can maybe get it done pre-Thanksgiving but I already have a lot on my plate (pun intended) and work promises to be just as busy this week as last so it may have to wait.

So much to do! So little time! Anyone else feel like these past few weeks have just flown by?!
(Note: I apologize for the lack of pictures. My camera didn't capture anything this weekend -- I think the point and shoot is on its last leg, which is a blessing in disguise since I've been craving a Nikon D3100. It's also a blessing because I wore yoga pants 24/7.)