Me & My Fit-Bit

By Tiniest_bean @tiniest_bean

Me & My Fitbit Post Workout!
( Gosh I am pale)

So my life is insane right now as you all know. I am surrounded by cardboard boxes and most of my cooking stuff is all boxed up and bound for our new house. This obviously is awesome, but I am limited in what I can cook. Plus, I have none of my food blogger props for photos. This makes me sad. What have I been concentrating on now that I can't really cook? My fitness!  Something that my husband introduced me to that help me work on my fitness is my new FITBIT! It looks totally discreet like a watch or a bracelet and and tracks your steps,calories and sleep cycle like a beast! I never thought I needed something like this, but you know what? Now that I have this little miracle I realized how much more accountable it makes me feel. Yesterday I was so close to my 10,000 step goal before bed I took Meatball out for another walk so I could meet my goal! Normally I would have just done to bed.
I also like the FITBIT because it also has an app where you can check your steps,mileage, food/water consumption and even how many times you wake up during the night! Yup, the night before apparently I woke up 14 times! No wonder why I felt so tired the next day!Everything happens in real time and it  has been pretty accurate so far and it is super simple to use.
I also found that keeping a food journal helps me stay accountable as to what I am putting into my body. I think again before eating a cookie or candy because I don't want to add it to my log! It has a ton of pre-populated foods and you can add your own. I also like tracking my water intake. Water is essential to weightloss and staying healthy.I actually find myself drinking more so I can see the water meter tick up. Is anyone else weird like me? I hope so!

So basically the fitbit is my new personal trainer and I love it! What do you all do to keep your health & fitness is line?