McVities Mini Gingerbread Men

By Meowitserin
The year of 2017 has arrived, and I faithful readers, have returned. Life has been a little on the chaotic side the last couple of months and as a result this beloved blog of mine seems to have fallen a little by the wayside. But that is about to changeor I am at least determined to re-dedicate myself to this blog. 
I could bore you all with the details of my life since September, but nothing particularly exciting has happened (well I did turn 21, start university, and quite unexpectedly grow another inch taller). I shan’t prattle on with all the clichés of, ‘new year, new me’, or any other such rubbish either. There shall be no miraculous epiphany which conveniently comes about on January 1st every single year, despite what we have all become accustomed to, what with the inescapable presence of social media. Perhaps I should stay true to my word and finally get on to the review?
I've recently noticed that I have been getting quite bored of what I eat, finding eating to be a chore again rather than an enjoyable experience so I knew that I had to do something to remedy this, and fast!  I decided to go with something sweet rather than savoury because as you will have noticed from my reviews, I have quite a sweet tooth! I spotted these little ginger bread men whilst doing my weekly shop and I was overjoyed to realize that they were in fact vegan.
 They come in little individual packs so they are perfectly sized to satisfy your cravings. The serving size is rather good, you get quite a few of these cute little men in the bag, I was certainly impressed! The flavor is very good, sweet with enough ginger to add spice without being overwhelming. The biscuits were crunchy so I certainly couldn't complain. They are incredibly moreish though, so it is definitely a good thing that they are pre-portioned out because there would be a serious risk of me eating the entire pack in one go otherwise!

Rating - 8.75/10 Vegan - Yes Calories - 115 Buy Again – Definitely!