McJesus Being Crucified

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The art museum in Haifa has a display that has upset many people's religious sensibilities. The display is one entitled "McJesus" and has what looks like a Ronald McDonald figure being crucified.
המיצג שבמחלוקת
(צילום: יח">המיצג שבמחלוקת(צילום: יח">המיצג שבמחלוקת(צילום: יח"צ מוזיאון חיפה)">
The Christian community is upset about this, understandably so, and has gone out to protest the display. 200 protesters showed up, and the protest got physically violent at some point as protesters tried to force their way in to the museum in order to remove the display.
According to the museum, this display has been up for 6 months already and is set to come down in about 3 weeks as the entire exhibition comes to a close. the exhibition is about the culture of consumerism. McJesus has already been on display in other countries around Europe.
source: Ynet
Why this caused a ruckus now after being up for half a year already I do not know.
In general it is not really a good thing to scoff at or make fun of other people's religions, just as nobody would want their own religion to be scoffed at. Personally I also think that people need more of a sens eof humor and even if we should not scoff at other people, we should not take ourselves so seriously that we have to get upset at every little thing that might be offensive.
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