McInvest Community Grants – Do You Know a Worthy Cause?

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

Supporting Community Projects

There are lots of causes worthy of a helping hand, do you know of one? If so then let them know about the McInvest Community Grant Awards. McIntosh part of the Strathmore Foods family is giving back to local communities. Some extra funding that can help community projects.

What is is about?

Each month a community project will be picked from those submitted. All types of groups are considered so whether they need to fix those windows or need funds to buy some new equipment, then this is the fund for you.

"Whether it's allowing a Cub Scout group to put some new windows on their cub hut or helping a group who take children out to enjoy a day at the theatre or the park, even a pensioner's group who want to go out for a meal, we want to consider every avenue and cause."

Julie Nisbet, Managing Director of Strathmore Foods

How to apply

First, nominate a representative from your community group to fill out the application form. Click here for the form.

Second, once your application has arrived, Team McIntosh will look at your application and consider it for that month's funding. There is one winner each month, however applications are live for 12 months.

Who McIntosh have helped

Remember to apply here and good luck!

From Starter Packs in Glasgow to Fernhill Soccer School to Link Up Lunch Club in Dundee.

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