McDonald’s Launches Marketing Campaign In Canada Answering Some Bizarre Questions

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

McDonald’s is currently running a commercial in Canada that encourages people to log on to a web site via Facebook or Twitter and ask the company questions, some of which can also be viewed here.

Questions like:

  • “Why does your food look different in the advertising than what is in the store?” You can view the video answer to this one here. (Hint: part of it involves digitally enhancing the image! You know, the type of airbrushing that makes models look like the Photoshopped girl who lives next door to you.)
  • “Where do your potatoes come from? I am told the fries are not from real potatoes”
  • Or to use words from the commercial voice-over, some people are wondering “if it’s even real food.”

Okay, we want to know if anyone asking if a fast food restaurant’s products are real “food” are confusing Gold Nuggets at the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas with Chicken McNuggets, or whether they’re just confusing whatever toy came with the Happy Meal with food.

3 Dumber Questions People Could Ask A Fast Food Restaurant

1. The sign says “No shoes, no shirt, no service.” What if I wear shoes and a shirt into the restaurant and then my toddler pulls off one of my Crocs and starts chewing on it because they think it is food. Will I still get service?

2. The sign indicates that you don’t serve breakfast after 11:00 a.m., but I drink coffee for breakfast, and see people buying coffee when it’s night-time. Isn’t this unconstitutional?

3. Do you take credit cards? And where do you take them to? I hope it’s not the zoo! The Roman Gladiator on my American Express card would totally want to battle the lions!

This is our 100th consecutive daily entry in a row! Thanks to everyone for reading!