McDonald’s Canada is Selling Honesty Again, This Time with Regard to the Fries.

By Keewood @sellingeating

“They’re never “formed!’” gently protests the host of this installment, who is a very sensitive man named Scott Gibson, Manager, Supply Chain, McDonald’s Canada.

But they do add “a dextrose solution,” Production Manager Mario Dupuis points out.

So you be the judge: is this series of videos an effective good will gesture to show us how the machinery literally works? Does that good will outweigh the potential to start thinking too hard about an inherently unhealthy-but-delicious indulgence—an act of passion which I think we generally resist contemplating as we confirm our drive-thru order?

Gizmodo loves it.

Mashable is neutral, but hints at the exposé nature of the piece with its headline, “How McDonald’s Really Makes French Fries.”

My friend thinks they’re making a big mistake with all the literal detail—talk of “graying” French fries puts her right off her cravings.

My wry grin starts to form when I think about how the internet takes these videos and circulates them widely, and McDonald’s USA can’t do a thing about it.

I did read one tweet that said McDonald’s USA doesn’t have to obey standards as high as Canada’s (I’m repeating hearsay; sorry, Snopes). If that’s true, well, maybe the American side of the border is grateful to show a better “Pro-(rhymes with ‘snow’)-cess” than they could display.

And in the end, maybe you just have to spell the name right and the publicity works the magic for you. Here’s a random tweet: