McCain Ain’t Leaving the Senate – Ever

Posted on the 23 October 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

A month ago, warmonger RINO John McCain hinted that he may retire in 2016.

He was just toying with us, yanking our chains.

Instead of retiring, he’s doing the exact opposite.The Washington Post reports that this morning, on KFYI-AM in Phoenix, Arizona, McCain said he is considering running for another term in 2016, when he would be 80 years old: “I’m seriously thinking about maybe giving another opportunity for you to vote for or against me in a few years from now. I’m seriously giving that a lot of thought.”

Radio host Barry Young didn’t believe his ears. So he asked McCain to clarify if he was saying he might run again.

McCain said: “That would not be wrong.”

Politicians don’t ever retire. They leave office when they’re carted off in a coffin. The allure of power is that compelling.

And now you will have to excuse me while I go to the bathroom and puke.
