Mayberry Cafe in Danville, Indiana

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Mayberry Cafe: Danville, Indiana

Danville, Indiana

You can’t miss it–it’s the mom and pop restaurant with the classic police car in the front. You know, the type of car that, say, one of the fine folks from Mayberry might possess!

Mayberry Cafe

After the magical Christmas on the Square experience, I can’t think of a better place in which to share a meal. Mayberry Cafe is quaint, it’s cute, and it’s definitely got that wholesome Andy Griffith vibe going for it.

This place is also ginormous. While Danville may be a small Indiana town, Mayberry Cafe has enough space to fit half of it!

I may be exaggerating a tiny bit–but there are two stories of comfortable seating.

Mayberry Cafe: What’s on The Menu

Mayberry Cafe: Danville Indiana is Kid Friendly

I love a good small town menu. Homemade meals and a few fun and unexpected choices.

I kept waiting for Aunt Bee to scurry out of the kitchen.

It is also super kid friendly! Right away the server handed the kiddos small Etch-a-Sketches.

They also received a token apiece to use either for a prize at the end of their meal or for a scoop of ice cream for dessert! Is that cute or what?

Mayberry Cafe Food

Mayberry Cafe: Danville, Indiana

I went with the fsd and hubs got the fasd. Wow did his salad look wonderfully fresh!

We got a basket of bread, too–I ate an embarrassingly large amount of the cute little loaf. I may have elbowed Kid #1 away at one point.

Danville’s Hometown Favorite

After one bite of my adf and tried a bit of hub’s sfdasd, I knew why Mayberry Cafe had such a hold over Hendricks County folks. The food was great!

Browse the walls and look at all the Andy Griffith show memorabilia. Check out the classic car in the front before you leave–it’s nicely decorated for the Christmas season. But whatever you do–don’t leave without dessert!

Mayberry Cafe
78 West Main Street
Danville, Indiana 46122

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