Maybe My Favorite Post Ever - 50 Perfect Details and Styling Vignette Images

By Southshoredecoratingblog
I am home with the kids, again, on the 6th snow day in the last 10, and will be tomorrow too in all likelihood. I absolutely LOVE it, but it's really hard to work. With Ellie, I got to make valentines today, and Bobby taught me a ton about football (against my will).  But I'm really trying to enjoy every moment and not worry about work because childhood doesn't' last. I know there are a lot of you out there with grown ones, so you get it!
These are from my "Details and Styling" board, and are probably my favorite images(as a group) that I've posted. 
So what makes a successful vignette? Pink flowers it seems: 

I WILL be making one of these at some point - isn't this table beyond awesome?!?

And just call me Supermom. Look what I made with Ellie today - all 25 of them, DONE. And on February 9th at that:
And three sales, which I know is a lot, but these are so incredible - especially the Spanx bathing suits at more than 1/2 off. And the Safavieh. Well, and the furniture haha!

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