May the Drive Be with ME!

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay

You wouldn't be human without a driving force.That's what distinguishes a human from his simian far out cousins. Being born with a silver spoon or a gold or a platinum spoon can't rid a human of that driving force. We think and we desire, and we need to achieve and move on. And that desire fuels our ambitions.

The same desire that pushes athletes like Lionel Messi to score just that one more goal. To train harder than before. And to be better than everybody else. The same desire that fuels Pioneers like Tata  to be #MadeOfGreat and to go where no other Indian company has gone before. And to excel. I totally understand that feeling.

The fact that we have to the manor been born is not something that will suffice. The road may be a bumpy one, we may fall , injure ourselves or even give up hope when that drive momentarily disappears. Admitting this is probably the most difficult thing. If one admits the drive is gone,one might as well admit that they are dead.
I have not walked on a bed of roses either. My life like those of countless others has always been like the path of a wave. With crests and troughs. Ups and Downs. Some wins and some more losses. Some good and some more Bad. So highs and some horrible hangovers. I've had my share of laughter and I've shed more than my share of tears. (Remember, I am a woman, I shed tears rather than gulp them down . I've probably shed your share of tears too). But I always have a small sense of gratitude, that gratitude that allows me to believe that my life is so much better. I'm not interested in comparisons about my life being better or worse.I'm an autodidact in most matters. And I don't believe that I must follow someone or their ideals. 
But one woman, I believe talks a lot of sense. Someone who is incredibly talented, gifted and fearless.
Oprah Winfrey.She has lifted herself from abuse and inherent poverty. She has fought a constant battle with her weight.Relationship issues and many more pitfalls in her life.Be that as it may, she has gotten up, every time she fell or stumbled or was pushed, dusted her dress, freshened up her lipstick and worn higher heels and moved on. Ever year her Leboutin's or Jimmy Choos' have got higher, her hair snazzier and her guests and friend list more legendary.She is one of the very few celebrities who have had the magnanimity to be able to give back to society. And give back in large volumes.She has had the courage to promote others with talents comparable to hers.She has never been cowed done.And has the had the guts the move on. She has moved on at the peak of her career, to other
My life has not been so colourful, but it has has many varied Hues.Some times I have triumphed and then there have been times when just taking the next breath has been a torture.
But Oprah is a woman totally made of great things. She is the one woman whose advice I have taken. When my chips were down, I have been able to took up wth a smile, just like her and acknowledge that I have a problem I need to deal with.
And once  I have taken that step, it's been an easy ride.Just like her, I have acknowledged that I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like every body else. I too, try to take every conflict,every experience ,and learn from it.My life too, is never dull.Just listening to what she has to say keeps my driving force-well driving!I know that come hell or high water, I must conquer and surpass the obstacles blocking my path.Because I can.Because I am ME!
To me Oprah is the one who is Made of great  and following in her footsteps it's so easy for me to be able to say THIS.
Okay, not literally!
It's all about believing in myself after all. After all , someone ,somewhere is blessing my struggles and murmuring,"May the Drive be with you" .