May on The Little Backpacker

By Littlebckpacker @littlebckpacker

I’ve been trying to put pen to paper to write this post for a few days now, but for some reasons I’ve really struggled. I thought I was being clever actually writing this up before the end of the month. Seems that didn’t get me very far. May has felt like the longest month and I do not even remember what happened at the beginning of the month. That being said I have been so busy all month (again) I can barely remember May even happening.


The first weekend, which was a bank holiday, was spent getting ready for Barcelona and meeting my parents in Sutton for an annual game of cricket with a team called Trinity and Oxley. The day involved lots of catching up, food and drink – it was a nice chilled start to the month.

On the 6th we flew off to Barcelona for five and a half days of exploring and Formula One. I won’t say too much about this as I’ve started to write up everything and you can check out those posts for all things Barcelona related but lets just say I loved Barcelona and crammed so much into the trip.

After Barcelona I came home exhausted, unfortunately it was my final 10 days of university and I had an essay to finish and presentations to prepare for. My head was firmly stuck in front of the laptop… for a few days anyway. I’d arranged to meet my best friend mid month and we went off to the west-end musical of Matilda. It was my first musical experience and I absolutely loved it. I can now understand why Matilda is still being shown in London even after all these years (we had originally planned to see it in 2012). Only a few more days were needed in front of the laptop and I finally finished the first year of university on the 20th of May.

We then made the most of the second bank holiday weekend with a road trip around the south coast of England in a Fiat 500. I won the rental back at #Travese15 and was excited the finally put it to use. The car was a dream to drive and we racked up over 400 miles in three days. Driving from the Jurassic Coast in Dorset all the way to the South Downs in Sussex. I will be writing up a full trip report soon.

The final week of this month has been spent relaxing, I know I don’t know what that is either. I’ve started work on some of my summer goals and of course caught up on some blogging.

What I’ve Been Writing

It seems I haven’t really been writing much this month. Sorry it was totally because of university demands for most of the month but thankfully they are over until September so expect lots more blogs coming your way.

I have mostly written about Barcelona this month, from a preview blog of ideas for my trip to detailed posts about visiting Barcelona and of course daily vlogs from my time in the city.

I also announced my travel plans for the summer mid month and planned my first summer as a student with some goals to achieve before second year starts – told you I don’t know how to relax.

Blogs I’ve Been  Loving This Month

This Essential Survival Guide to Shopping in The Souks of Marrakech by Shikha of Why Waste Annual Leave had me lusting for this sensory experience, for days. Markets which are unique to the country are my favorite place to shop when traveling. As she quite rightly reminded me Marrakech is a quick flight from London so maybe I won’t have to lust for too long.

Emily talks about Blogging vs the Daily Commute in one of her latest posts and everything she says could not be more true. Even as a student and some one who only works part time, I have found many difficulties of juggling life and running a blog. It is nice to hear someone talk about the perils instead of how to turn your blog into a freelance career.

yTravelBlog make it in my list for a second month with their post of 28 Places in Australia to See Incredible Sunsets. I mean how could this not leave me feeling homesick for this amazing country and its dreamy sunsets.

Oh and this post by Neil had me wanting to never ever lose my luggage. He did well to survive his trip to Venice without any!

Card by Lingo Travel – I will be running a giveaway for these next week.


This month coming I will be heading off to Portugal. We fly into Lisbon and then have an Airbnb apartment booked on the coast with a swimming pool. I’m really excited for a nice chilled week away but of course I will save some time for exploring Lisbon and Sintra.

Later in the month I will head off for the first of two work assignments this summer. I will be nannying for a family who are holidaying just outside of Ronda in southern Spain and fro what I’ve heard this area is beautiful.

This month I will also receive my grades for the first year of uni…. eeek.

What did you get up to in May? Comment below with your highlight of the month.

Tags:  Monthly Statistics Summer 2015