May Has Arrived...

By Travelersmind
...and I cannot wait til it ends!
May is here, which means we are that much closer to summer. To consistent warm weather--enough of this one 80-degree day followed by a week in the 40s. To rooftop bars and weekend barbecues. To beach volleyball games and warm evening strolls. Yes, summer is an exciting time, but we still have to get through May before we can really start to enjoy it. In fact, I usually consider Memorial Day weekend the official kick off of summer.

American Flag.

While my plans for that glorious three-day weekend are still pending, I do know that they will involve some form of grilling, plenty of drinks, and lots of friends. There is no better way to spend it really, except maybe a trip somewhere. (Come on, you honestly didn't see that one coming?)
So, where would you travel for Memorial Day? Of course, you could do something themed to go along with the holiday, like visiting Washington D.C. and doing a tour of all the war memorials. Or something a little more elaborate like gonig to Hawaii to see the site of the Pearl Harbor attacks. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, so a weekend to the Gettysburg area could be a good option. New York is a great choice, since it not only features a wonderful Memorial Day parade, but it also is the site of Fleet Week, where sailors and servicemen dock in the harbor and show their American pride by strutting around in uniform.
No matter where you choose to spend the holiday, you will be sure to find some kind of special event or celebration going on. If not, you can always throw your own party!