Go home winter, you're drunk.
It is hilarious to me. Actually I just make myself laugh because if I don't, I will cry. I just want warm weather!
Let's recap April goals.
Goal 1. Nail the rest of marathon training. CHECK!
I might not have always wanted to, but I got out there for each the runs. I think I only cut one run short and it was only a mile. It feels like all my hard work paid off in the marathon too. Now onto the next training plan.
Goal 2. Plan 2013 race calendar. CHECK!
I hope to have my post about this up in the next few days, but I have my big goal race on the calendar for August.
Goal 3. Spring cleaning. CHECK!
For the most part, I did well. I cleaned some long neglected corners, but I still haven't gone through my closet. Also I think it is time to throw away my old magazine collection. I don't know why I hold onto this stuff!
Now May goals.
Goal 1. Get into the habit of triathlon training.
I've been giving myself the week off to recover from the marathon, but starting next week I'm going to pick up with triathlon training. I don't necessarily need to get every session in to the full duration and intensity right away (I'm jumping in a little late), but I want to get into the groove of 3 sessions of each sport every week.
Goal 2. Try 3 new recipes.
I've been in a bit of a food rut again and hopefully this will spark some more creativity in the kitchen.
Goal 3. Read 3 books.
Confession: I have a library problem. There are 9 books sitting on my kitchen table waiting to be read. And I haven't even picked up my book club book yet. Instead of hanging out on the computer all night, I am going to read more before going to bed. And I will return all those books on time because I am not paying any more library fines. No more!
That's all. I need to go to bed.