May Gardening Australia Magazine

By Scarecrow

The May Gardening Australia magazine is full of great ideas to get your garden ready for winter.
There is a great article on how to build a Hot Compost Heap. Tim Marshall has helped Sophie Thomson with a very useful step by step guide to building a great compost heap surrounded by straw bales to keep the warmth in over winter.
Maggie Beer has got her timing right as usual with an article on growing (and of course using) Onions. Just as I am about to plant out the first lot of onions seedlings into the garden. She explains how day length will determine the success of your onion crop by choosing the right varieties to plant at a given time of the year.
We have seen Costa getting his neighbours out in the street working working the Verge Garden. Everyone seems to be getting involved which is great. Anna Evangeli has written an article to help organize Working Bees with lots of helpful tips.
Jerry Colby-Williams explains in great detail the benefits of including Flowering Plants in the garden to attract Beneficial Insect helpers which is something I have to agree with. He has included a couple of plants I hadn't considered but will be including in the edge beds now.
Of course at this time of the year no garden magazine could come out without including a Rose Growing Guide. Jennifer Stackhouse has all the tips you'll need for growing your roses this year including ideas for using the petals of these edible flowers and of course the hips (seed pods) that can be made into cordials and syrups that are high in vitamin C.
If you take out a subscription to the magazine they have a bonus this month of a Free Rose plant from Garden Express.
As you can see there is plenty to catch up on in this edition and lots if ideas to keep you out in the garden even if the weather is cooling down.
Thank you to the people at at Morey Media, who do the PR for Gardening Australia, for sending me a copy to review here on my blog!
Check out the Gardening Australia website here
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