May Day

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

I am writing this post from outside. I mean. I cannot believe the weather this week! It’s been absolutely gorgeous, and very summery even though I feel like we just started spring! And can you believe it’s May already? I feel like this year is just flying by; I think having a baby really makes life speed up. So much has already happened– baby, birthday, moving — I can’t wait to see what else comes this year!

I had another set of photos I was going to share today, but then I realized what day it was and decided that May 1st should definitely be welcomed in with a flowery outfit. And since I haven’t worn this skirt since like… a long time ago… I figured I should pull it out for the occasion! I recently hemmed it up (here’s the original length) and find it much more wearable.

My family and I (minus Mr. Owl, who refuses to be healthy, haha!) are re-starting the Whole30 today. It didn’t work out so well for any of us last month, since we were moving and had lots of business and birthday parties to go to, so we all decided that it’s much better to just start on the first of the month especially now that we’re all in the same house.

I’m excited to get back on a healthier track; I’ve been having a hard time waking up in the mornings, and I think that is partially due to the bad eating habits I’ve slipped back into. So I’m looking forward to feeling better and more alert in the mornings!

It’s so, so hard to work when it’s this nice outside. I look out and I just want to go play! Especially knowing Asa loves being outside. Ah! I’ll have to work on getting my shift done early in the morning and maybe later at night so that I can be outdoors during the day.

Can I just talk about these earrings for a second? Because they are SO much fun! I think my favorite things from Oasap have always been the jewelry things; they have such great costume jewelry, and some of it has the perfect retro flair to it. These earrings are so, so pretty and fun, and for some reason I really love jewelry that has a bug-ish theme.

It’s always sad when the lawn gets mowed; there is basically a field of daisies there, and I never want them to be cut down! Oh well. They’re pretty while they last!

Skirt, top, and belt, thrifted | Ladybug earrings c/o Oasap | Sandals, Target

I hope you are all having a good day! I’m so glad it’s almost the weekend. I can’t wait to have some free time to clean, organize, and play outside with Asa! Mr. Owl is going hiking this weekend, so I don’t know what I’m going to do while he’s gone. Probably nothing too exciting. But we’ll see!

Happy Thursday!

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