May Day

By Jibbywest @fashionaddictsu

Hi dolls... We had a bank holiday today to celebrate workers day. I wore cheerful colours to brighten my day (it rained all morning). I had to work even though it was a bank holiday but I can't complain, I'm just happy being happy. Decided to try the 'less is more route', no powder or foundation, eyeshadow, bronzer, blush etc just kajal and my rimmel red lipstick. 

Top and Jacket and Accessories: Indigo Boutique Shorts: Virgos Lounge Shoes: Christian Louboutin Bag: Louis Vuitton Ring: Ferragamo

Say a prayer for my country and the missing children... After two weeks, over two hundred abducted Nigerian school girls are still missing. I can't imagine what their parents, relatives and loved ones are going through but we can pray for their safety and sign this petition.
Hope everyone had a good May day.