May Cara Box Reveal

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

It's Cara Box reveal time!!! In case you're new around here and have never heard of Cara Box, you can read more about it here. But basically, Kaitlyn from Wifessionals pairs you with two awesome bloggers and you get to know them throughout the month. You send a box to one and receive a box from the other. How cool is that?! 
The best part? The encouraging note. The blogging world can be big and scary and it's so nice to really connect with people and get to know them on a deeper level. 
So this month, I was paired with Kelly from Messy Dirty Hair and Aleshea from Glitz & Gritz. The theme, which I totally botched when sending mine to Kelly, was a box themed around your region. In my case, this should have been NY. Blame it on my Mommy Brain, but I totally sent a "California" themed box because that's where Kelly is from. I know, I'm an idiot. My bad! But she still loved everything I sent so I'm glad I could at least bring a smile to her face. You can check out her box here
Aleshea sent me my box and HOT DOG did she do an amazing job! She's from Texas, ironically the state I was just visiting, and I came home to find this beauty at my door step!
  Is this not the sweetest thing ever??! She included cards from her students for my husband. My favorite was "Keep Calm and Soldier On". It was so thoughtful and definitely put a smile on both mine and my husband's face. 

Next were an Honorary Citizen certificate and a Disposable Bullshit Bag for all of the crap I put up with as a military wife. This one had me rolling laughing... where can I get a whole collection of these?! ;) And I do love Texas, and now I'm a "citizen" :)
  And last but not least, other fun goodies! "Armadillo Poo" aka chocolate taffy, a strainer with a Texas Longhorn, a flask for the days when the Army realllly gets to me (and because she couldn't send me Shiner Bock which I love by the way), and cooking utensils with Texas stars. Is this not an amazing box or what?! She nailed my personality dead on! 

And of course, what Cara Box is all about, her sweet and encouraging letter put the icing on the cake. She was wonderful to talk to this past month and I love our new found friendship. 
Can't wait for next month! Xoxo
"Some days just are...A Complete Waste of Makeup"