May Call Day – Receiving the Energies of Synthesis

By Luphil

Since 1910, the 29th May is celebrated as the day of group initiation. It was started by Master CVV,  who in 1910 received from higher circles the Energy of Synthesis that visited him through Halley‘s Comet, enabling him to transmit the Aquarian energies to the planet and to the beings of the planet. On 29 May, 1910, he started distributing the energies from Kumbakonam in South India. While he initiated the few who had assembled around him, he spread the energy in a great measure around the whole planet. Therefore, 29 May is celebrated as the day of group initiation, as May Call Day.

In the book Spiritual Astrology Master EK says that Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarian energies and that Master CVV had a spark of the metal Uranium emanating from his heart lotus. The picture: “May Call Day – Receiving the Energies of Synthesis” symbolically represents the reception of the energies and how they emanate from the heart centre. It is painted using different photos of comets, one with Halley’s Comet in the background and another photo, from 1910, of Halley’s Comet in the foreground on the body of Master CVV.