May and Thoughts on Turning 28

By Ofanselm @ofanselm

It's finally posted: my May calendar! I had my pics taken days ago, but after putting the kids down for their naps and overturning every piece of furniture, I had to admit it to myself: I'd lost my camera cord. Again. My sweet friend Lesley came to my rescue though! She dropped hers off to me earlier today so I could finally get the hundred photos I took last week off my camera and onto my computer. Thank you Lesley!

This is a special month. This month on the fourteenth, I turn twenty-eight years old. I don't really feel freaked out by aging - I mean, I think I have a lot to show for twenty-eight years: I'm doing exactly what I dreamed of doing when I was in college! But knowing that I've gone from being younger than everyone cool to older than everyone cool is very weird for me. Did you associate age with coolness when you were a kid? I definitely did. "I wish I were twelve." "I wish I were eighteen." "I wish I were twenty-one." 

I'm past the ages people wish for now - at least for the most part. I'm not sad though. I feel like I have a bit of freedom in what I do now, because there isn't any particular action people expect twenty-eight-year-olds to take. I've graduated college. I've gotten married. I'm having my third child in just about seven weeks (and praying for sooner!). It's not like there aren't things people expect of me anymore. But... there doesn't seem to be as much of a deadline to meet now.

It's nice.

P.S. Thank you all so so much for your encouraging comments on my last post! I posted it very late night, thinking no one would even see it, and within literally minutes was getting so many sweet messages about it. I'm really happy to know so many of us struggle with the same feelings - not because I want us to all be unhappy together, but because it makes me realize: some of the things that make us unhappy in the blogosphere seem to really be non-existent! 
If any of you decide to participate in the Things I'm Afraid to Tell You series, please do let me know so I can encourage you the way you've encouraged me :)