May 24th Is... (Includes Printable Freebies)

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies

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May 24th is...
National Escargot Day, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit's Birthday, First Telegraph Message Transmitted, Mary Had a Little Lamb Published, International Tiara Day, Brother's Day, Morse Code Day.
PLUS - interesting books to read and free printable crafts, activities and coloring pages.
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit's Birthday
-- Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (24 May 1686 – 16 September 1736) was a physicist, engineer, and glass blower who is best known for inventing the alcohol thermometer (1709) and the mercury thermometer (1714), and for developing a temperature scale now named after him. Source
Read: Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Their Temperature Scales, by Yoming S. Lin
-- Though people have surely commented on hot and cold weather for thousands of years, our most commonly used temperature scales both date from the eighteenth century. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, who also played a key role in the development of the modern thermometer, invented the Fahrenheit scale.
Free Printables, Activities, Colouring Pages and Crafts:
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit Coloring Page
• Printable Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion Chart
Temperature Worksheets, Lessons, and Printables
How to Make a Thermometer for Kids
National Escargot Day
-- Escargot is a tasty appetizer made with land snails cooked in butter or wine. While the dish most likely originated in Ancient Roman times, escargot is usually associated with French cuisine. In fact, the French consume around 40,000 metric tons of snails each year! Source
Read: Are You a Snail? (Backyard Books), by Judy Allen, Tudor Humphries
-- A young snail faces many challenges as it tries to grow safely into an adult. All the facts a young child needs to understand the life of this intriguing backyard creature are packed into this engaging narrative.
Free Printables, Activities, Colouring Pages and Crafts:
Snail Coloring Page
Heart Snail Paper Craft
Snails Colouring Pages
Snail Theme - Preschool Activities and Crafts
Gary the Snail Papercraft
First Telegraph Message Transmitted
-- Samuel Morse was the inventor of the telegraph. He built his first apparatus in 1835. The first telegraph message was .-- .... .- - .... .- - .... --. --- -.. .-- .-. --- ..- --. .... - transmitted by Morse from Washington to Baltimore in 1844 and read What hath God wrought? Source
Read: The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-line Pioneers, by Tom Standage
-- Tells the colorful story of the telegraph's creation and remarkable impact, and of the visionaries, oddballs, and eccentrics who pioneered it, from the eighteenth-century French scientist Jean-Antoine Nollet to Samuel F. B. Morse and Thomas Edison. The electric telegraph nullified distance and shrank the world quicker and further than ever before or since, and its story mirrors and predicts that of the Internet in numerous ways.
Free Printables, Colouring Pages and Crafts:
Samuel Morse Coloring Page
Morse Code - Write a message using Morse Code.
• Got the Message? Students in grades 3-5 build their own electromagnetic telegraphs and send each other messages.
Codes, Decoding and Secret Messages
Mary Had a Little Lamb Published
-- The nursery rhyme was first published (as opposed to written) by the Boston publishing firm Marsh, Capen and Lyon, as an original poem by Sarah Josepha Hale on May 24, 1830, and was inspired by an actual incident. As a girl, Mary Sawyer kept a pet lamb, which she took to school one day at the suggestion of her brother. A commotion naturally ensued. Source
Read: Mary Had a Little Lamb, by Sarah Josepha Hale, Tomie dePaola
-- Since this nursery rhyme first appeared in 1830, children have loved it. Tomie DePaola uses his signature folk art style and sets the poem in a traditional 19th century New England setting. The result is an endearing interpretation of the little lamb that followed Mary to school and how the teacher handled it.
Free Printables, Activities, Colouring Pages and Crafts:
Printable Poem, Coloring Page and Craft
Mary Had A Little Lamb - Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities
DLTK Lamb crafts
DLTK Schoolhouse Paper Craft

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