May 2015 Fab Bag Review

By Januarycusp

So its 26th May, and the Fab Bag finally gets delivered. Guess we're just expected to get used to the fact that they're making it a habit to deliver when the month is almost over. :oops:

Anyhow, leaving all my sarcasm aside, I'm pleasantly surprised with the May Fab Bag. Looks like they actually realised that they'd been lowering their Bags lately. Although I still do have one problem, but I'll get to that later. I can start with good stuff- so here it is. :D

The theme of this month is Sun, Sand & Sexy & the Bag definitely lives it up. Even the quality seems better than the last one, so I certainly like the Bag.

As I peep inside the first thing that I notice is this big jar like product, which turns out to be Vana Vidhi Oriental Rice Paddy Luxurious Face & Body Scrub

Isn't this great? I received a full-sized 70gms jar, which is priced at Rs. 1599. I used it a little on my hands, and the product seems to be quite good. I'm quite excited to use this one & it's going right in my bathroom.

Next I took out the Be a Bombshell One Stick, which is again another full-sized product! Woah! This is pure awesomeness, even more as I

Moving ahead, next I received Vichy Ideal White Routine, comprising of Meta Whitening Essence & Meta Whitening Foam. These are sample sized products, but considering that these are from Vichy, I'm not complaining. Super excited to try these as well! <3

Lastly, I received a Fab Bag Scarf, which is where I have a problem. I received a multi-striped scarf in shades of blue, which looks really pretty when you first see it. Wow! I can use it during the summer months & it can easily transform into a pretty bow on my bag during autumn. Plus there are like a million ways to use it on the beach! Sounds lovely, right? ^^'

Uhm, not exactly. When I looked closer, I realised that there are stains at a number of places, which is making me skeptical about its quality. o_O That is not something that I expect from my subscription box, so that's a serious letdown.

But if I ignore that little bump, I really liked the May Fab Bag! And of course, this Bag comes along with the monthly Fab Post, which talks about how to style the scarf & get beachy waves for your fun-time in the sun.

Oh, and now, as this inadvertently raises a comparison between subsccription boxes, so here's where I had reviewed the May MSM Box. If you ask me, Fab Bag did a great job this time around, but I have been disappointed lately. Like the scarf has stains this time, last time the mineral foundation was old & scratched up. :(

Somehow MSM Box's packaging takes me to a different world & their selections potray that a lot of thought has gone into choosing the products & then subsequently packing them in a beautiful manner. So yea, presently I'm leaning towards MSM Box, but then I've only tried one Box till now, & Fab Bag can always come back as they'd started out- so you never know. :?

What do you prefer? Do you know about any other subscription Boxes that I should check out?
