May 2013 Clean Energy and Sustainability Events

Posted on the 01 May 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

The snow has finally melted in Minnesota (though another round of flurries falls as I post this). Nothing signifies spring in the sustainability world quite like the season’s first Tour de Fat. In Atlanta’s Piedmont Park, New Belgium’s annual celebration of bicycles returns after its winter hiatus.

Today and tomorrow an exciting event is taking place in one of our favorite locales, Santa Barbara, California. The 4th annual Summit on Energy Efficiency is taking place at the university, home to 2nd Green Revolution writer Noelle Phares, who is a graduate student in the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management. The summit will feature former Energy Secretary Dr. Stephen Chu as one of the keynote speakers.

Find out what other sustainability events are taking place in your area by checking out our calendar. Take a look at some of the choice events and peruse our calendar for conferences near you. Please let us know of any conferences, events, or festivals in your area. If they are appropriate, we will gladly add them to our green events calendar. Send us an email with the event’s name, date, location, description, and website. In fact, one of the events listed below was submitted by a reader of the site.

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