Matt Damon’s Feeding America

Posted on the 14 September 2011 by Mregina @justfundraising


 Ya know it’s been awhile since we’ve covered anything from our buddy Matt. Never one to back down from a good fundraising event Matt Damon is active promoting Hunger Action Month.

Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Taye Diggs have done PSA’s for Feeding America and this month, the charitable organization is running a campaign to raise awareness for domestic hunger relief.

 Vivki Escarra, President and CEO Feeding America: “The insidious effects of hunger expand well beyond the individual who struggles daily for his or her next nutritious meal. Hunger significantly impacts our nation’s economy, education, healthcare, and ultimately, workforce productivity. Feeding America encourages everyone to play a role throughout September in raising awareness around the issue of hunger.

 Feeding America has put together an in depth and content rich page detailing every aspect of the war against hunger. Check out the Map the MealGap page where food shortages are detailed by state. The website also has  food pantry listings. 

 Feeding America is looking to spread the word about hunger and asking for your help. They would like to hit 1 million video views by the end of Sept. This will encourage more people to donate or vounteer for this cause.  The videos can be easily shared through twitter , facebook or any other social media source. It’s a pressing need nationwide and I understand why they’re using every available means to get the message out.

For those looking to get involved to help check out these Feeding America Volunteer Opportunties

Thanks Matt and everyone involved with Feeding America.  Job well done guys!

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