Mass Shootings Top 400 In U.S. This Year (New Record)

Posted on the 26 December 2019 by Jobsanger

Mass shootings haven't been in the major media headlines for a few weeks now, but don't let that fool you. They have not stopped happening. It's just that the media only covers the worst ones nationally.
The chart above (using data from the Gun Violence Archive) shows the truth. The black line traces the actual number of mass shootings for each year (2014 through 2019), while the red line shows the trend over that time period. Mass shootings continue to happen in this country at a rate of more than one every day.
There were 407 mass shootings (a shooting in which at least four people were shot) in the United States through December 25th of 2019. That's a new record, and the trend line suggests we may top that in future years.
It does not have to be this way. No other developed country has anywhere near this number of mass shootings. It is because we make getting a gun very easy in the United States. Anyone (criminals, terrorists, the dangerously mentally ill, etc.) can get any kind of gun they want (and as much ammunition as they want) with very little effort.
The Democratic House of Representatives tried to do something this year. They passed a bill requiring a background check on ALL gun purchases (including at gun shows and private gun sales). But when the bill reached the Republican Senate, it died. It was not allowed to come to the floor for debate or a vote.
Those who want to reduce mass shootings and gun deaths (38,634 in 2019 through December 25th) should remember this when they go to vote next November. We will not have reasonable (and constitutional) restrictions on guns until the Republicans are voted out of power.
This is not about taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. They have a right to own guns. It is about not allowing easy access to guns for those who do not obey the law (and want to harm others).