MASpencer and TB Rants & Raves Review The Light of Dawn

Posted on the 12 August 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

You’re probably wondering when we were going to share two of our favorite bloggers’ thoughts on the last episode of True Blood? Well, the wait is over…

MASpencer from the Sookieverseblog is up first! She introduces her recap by telling us what we learned this week! This is what she said… “we learn that werewolves like to watch, taco stands teach magic lessons, “sloppy joes” is code for “sloppy seconds,” and Fangtasia serves up free coffin rides on a first come, first silvered basis…” 

In her usual wickedly insightful way…she undresses the episode until it’s standing bare-assed naked and then some!

This is a what she said about Eric & Sookie…

Taking It To The Sheets

Things are decidedly less complicated over at Sookie’s house—at least for the first half of the episode, during which Eric and Sookie get their non-stop freak on in every room of her house.

How two butt naked people managed to fuck their way back from the woods without being arrested is a mystery to me. But if season two taught us anything, it’s that Bon Temps law enforcement can’t be bothered with the odd case of indecent exposure… and that, eventually, Eric Northman was going to screw Sookie Stackhouse’s brains out and she was going to love every minute of it.

And you thought this show laughed in the face of continuity.

We loved the multi-location sex scenes too! It was a great nod to the books!

To read MASpencer’s recap in full, click here!

Eric & Sookie: TOO HOT for Facebook (image was removed from our Facebook page - due to sexual content and nudity). Credit:

Next up, is TB Rants & Raves…who pretty much sums up what many of us were thinking!

This is one of my favorite quotes from her review…

Wow. Just. Wow. It is tough to write anything coherent about Eric and Sookie’s sexy tour of the Stackhouse abode. It was all about needing to have each other right then and there. I LOVE that they couldn’t be bothered with bringing their clothes … or shutting the front door. I also love that there was no biting. Me thinks the writers were inspired by a certain book passage when constructing this sequence.

“Eric, we had sex in every position I could imagine, and some I couldn’t. We had sex in every room in my house, and we had sex outdoors. You told me it was the best you ever had. Too bad you can’t remember it (All Together Dead).”

I am so thrilled that this episode got not only the physical aspect of their relationship right but the emotional one as well.This is no fling. There are real feelings there. The two of them have an intimate and honest conversation about the very real prospect of Eric remembering his past and how it will change their relationship. As much as I am adoring the Amnesia Eric storyline, the fallout from their time together is something that I am looking forward to watching play out.

And we couldn’t agree more!

Raise your hand if you were speechless after watching this episode for the first time! *raises hand* This pretty much sums up what I was thinking. The only way you could deal with it, was watch this episode again…and again…and again…and so on…

You can read all of TB Rants & Raves’ review here!

What do you think? Do you agree with both of these reviews, one of them, or neither of them? Share your thoughts below!