Marvel’s Avengers: How to Level Up Fast to Level 50

Posted on the 08 September 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Marvel's Avenger, As with most Games-as-a-Service titles, it's all about the grind. The 10-hour main story is a solid introduction to the Crystal Dynamics version of The Avengers, but the meat of the game is multiplayer. You will need some powerful skills and abilities to master the Avengers Initiative, the game's post-campaign multiplayer content. In this Marvel's Avenger Leveling guide, we will show you how to get to level 50 as fast as possible and we will talk a little about the campaign.

We'll focus on the hero level in this guide, not the power level. If you don't know the difference between the two, skip to the end for a full breakdown.

further reading

How to level up quickly in Marvel's Avenger

There is no way to cheat the leveling system Marvel's Avenger, Fast leveling is less about using certain mechanics and more about optimizing the game time in order to gain as much experience as possible.

Stay with a hero

Each hero enters separately Marvel's Avenger, So you shouldn't be jumping around too much. Choose a hero and stick with them. Aside from being more efficient, leveling each hero individually allows you to take advantage of the upgrades that you unlock. Skill points give you access to an expanded train set for each hero, which makes the game infinitely more enjoyable (sending spam attacks gets old after a while). There are 300 hero levels that you can unlock for the six characters in the game. So it will take a while to unlock everything. One at a time is the best way to do this.

Grind experience in HARM rooms

There are several types of missions in Marvel's Avenger, The most famous of these are Drop Zone and War Zone. Drop Zone missions last a few minutes with a single objective, while War Zone missions are longer multi-stage missions with optional objectives. If you want to upgrade your hero asap, skip these missions and go to the Holographic Augmented Reality Machine (HARM). You will unlock HARM rooms after the third story mission. So play at least as far in the story before you even get into leveling.

HARM rooms are the best place to reach hero levels. You gain experience in Marvel's Avenger By defeating enemies and achieving objectives, HARM rooms allow you to quickly defeat many enemies without walking around a map or slowing down to complete objectives. It's the fastest way to level up your hero level, but HARM rooms have one downside.

You don't deserve equipment from them. Even though you increase your hero level, you will not increase your power level. Completing HARM rooms is the most efficient way to get to Hero Level 50, but it's still a good idea to mix up War Zone and Drop Zone missions to loot higher level equipment.

Complete optional objectives in the war zone

Outside of HARM rooms, you can play Drop Zone or War Zone missions. Both types of missions are the same in terms of time and experience. War Zone missions are longer, but they offer you more enemies and targets, while Drop Zone missions take no more than 10 minutes, but have far fewer enemies and only one target. Of the two, War Zone Missions are a bit better simply because you can get more experience in a single setting. It doesn't seem like much, but the time spent loading screens and home screens before the mission adds up.

Building on that, Warzone Missions have optional objectives that you should all complete. Marvel's Avenger There's no minimap, but you can see all of the objectives of a mission by enabling Tactical Awareness (at the top of the D-pad on PS4 and Xbox One). It doesn't matter what the goal is - usually optional goals will lead you to an AIM prisoner or a rare chest - you'll get some experience if you get there. However, make sure that everything is done before the main goal. After completing the final step of the main objective, the mission ends automatically.

Use a catalyst to enhance the experience

You may find a Catalyst perk on unusual gear or higher. There are a few different types of catalysts, but all of them do the same thing: increase your experience. At the Hero level, watch out for the equipment with the Prismatic Catalyst bonus. It increases your experience from all sources by 3.2%. Other Catalyst perks will enhance your experience with certain factions and allow you to purchase higher-tier gear from the faction leader.

Hero level versus power level in Marvel's Avengers

There are two metrics to look out for in Marvel's Avenger: Hero level and power level. Your power level is a score determined by your hero's stats and equipment. The power level is currently 150 and is similar Destiny 2, It is an average of the proficiency level of all the equipment you have equipped. For example, if all your gear is level 40, your overall level is 40, and if your gear is between level 30 and 40, the average is in between. You can level up by upgrading your equipment with resources found in most missions.

However, it is best to change gear rather than upgrade. You can upgrade higher-tier loot more - Epic Gear and above has 10 upgrade slots compared to the three unusual pieces of gear - and thereby unlock additional benefits. However, you are free to update important artifacts. Important artifacts give your hero a flat performance boost that is useful regardless of your level of proficiency.

The hero level, on the other hand, gives you skill points to unlock more skills in each hero's skill tree. A higher hero level does not make your hero stronger on paper. Rather, you get access to an extended train set and increase the performance of your special skills. Each hero has to work through 50 levels so that you get just enough skill points to unlock the entire skill tree. Although the hero level has no effect on the statistics, a higher level makes it much easier to chain combos together.

Your hero level does not matter when choosing missions. You could have a hero who is at hero level 1 while, for example, you have equipment that gets them to around level 15. However, that doesn't make your hero level obsolete. In fact, it's a lot more fun to play a fully featured hero that lets you mix and match in combat rather than spamming the same light and heavy attacks.

Should you play the campaign first?

Crystal Dynamics makes it clear that you should play the campaign before playing Avengers Initiative. If you want to make the most of it Marvel's Avenger, You should play the campaign first. It's only about 10 hours long and the story is excellent. However, if you're only into multiplayer, then the campaign isn't the most efficient first step.

Without getting into the area of ​​spoilers, you play as multiple heroes throughout the campaign. Your gear and levels will be carried over from the campaign, but with all that jumping around between heroes, you won't end up going past Hero Level 15 with any of them. The main path has some missions where you can change your hero, but you won't have access to most of the heroes for most of the game.

Fortunately, there is a solution. If you play the campaign through the Avengers Initiative, you will have access to the game's six heroes and be able to choose which hero to reach for each of the story missions that give you that option. If you'd rather not interrupt the immersion, you can level a lot during the campaign by attacking HARM rooms once you've unlocked them. You must progress at least to the point in the story where you unlock the war table on the chimera before you can complete the campaign this way.

Whether you're playing the campaign the way Crystal intended or through the Avengers Initiative, you should complete it. This will give you access to a different story chain of missions, as well as each hero's legendary chain of missions. The game also generously distributes high-level gear to late-game heroes, so you can jump straight into multiplayer even if your hero level is still low.

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