Marvel Announces Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War

Posted on the 28 October 2014 by Mikeylately @MikeyLately

Marvel has announced what to expect for Phrse three. And lets just say a whole lot of heroes are going to be coming to the Marvel Cinematic world. The inner geek in me is too excited about the annoucement. Check out the line up below.

May 6, 2016: Captain America: Civil War

November 4, 2016: Doctor Strange

May 5, 2017: Guardians of the Galaxy 2

July 28, 2017: Thor: Ragnarok

“Chris Hemsworth is returning as Thor, of course Tom HIddleston returning as Loki,” Feige said. “This is a very important movie for us in the Phase Three timeline,” he continued, comparing it to how “Captain America: Winter Soldier” also changed the course of Marvel Studios. The film will pick up where things are left off for Thor in “Avengers: Age of Ultron

November 3, 2017: Black Panther

“Black Panther” is made official for Nov. 3, 2017 — “T’Challa himself, and all of Wakanda” — is coming to theaters on . “We have already started seeding things in the films leading up to this moment,” Feige said, calling Black Panther one of the most exciting and integral Marvel characters. The film will be about the “isolationist nation” of Wakanda meeting the rest of the world, which may go well and may not.

May 4, 2018: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1

July 6, 2018: Captain Marvel

Another new character joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe: “Captain Marvel,” set for July 6, 2018. “I want to make it very clear that this Captain Marvel’s name is Carol Danvers,” Feige said. This film has been in development almost as long as “Guardians of the Galaxy,” according to Feige, who said the character straddles two worlds — Earth-bound origins and outer space adventures.

November 2, 2018: The Inhumans

May 3, 2019: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 2
