Martin Luther King Day in PGCo

By Ceemac126 @PGCBlogging

MLK Day, according to what I see on the newscasts, is a day of service.  For me, it has been a day of rest.  I took a break from almost everything that the Civil Rights Movement fought for and I slept the day away.  I am thankful to God for all that was done on my behalf.  People were murdered, families were terrorized, protesters were pummeled, fire-hosed, beaten, and falsely arrested all so I could have the same opportunities and options afforded to white people by the great United States of America.

Today I chose to rest.  I didn’t check on the Republican candidates latest casualty.  I didn’t take many phone calls or read much email.  My hubster rode over to M.L.K. Avenue in DC to support the children of the school where he is principal as they marched in the MLK Day Parade.  I stayed home and enjoyed my sleep.  I was able to rest and for that I’m grateful.

To every person who fought to make our Black lives legal in this country, I say “thank you.”  It is because of all you have done that I can take today off and rest up for the continued fight.

Thank you Dr. King and all the unsung soldiers of the Civil Rights Movement.