Marketing Your Business with Google Plus

Posted on the 27 April 2012 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Let’s just go ahead and skip the pleasantries. You know you want traffic, and you want to know how to use Google Plus to get it. There’s a lot of material to cover here and I’m not interested in telling you what you already know, either about yourself or about Google Plus.

Use rel=”Author”

This link attribute does something remarkable for you. It puts your face next to your results in the search engines. You stand out like a sore thumb, and that’s a good thing if you want users to click on you and see what you have to say. The gist of it goes like this:

- Link from your blog post to your author page with rel=”author” 

- Link from your author page to your Google profile page with rel=”me”

- Link from your Google profile page to your author page with rel=”me”

Your author page doesn’t specifically need to be an author page. If you’re the only blogger on your site, you can just use your “about” page. Put the rel=”author” attribute into the part of your template that lists your name at the beginning of each blog post.

Link from your author page to the base URL of your Google profile. You can use a G+ button to do this if you prefer it to a standard link. Be sure to use rel=”me”.

Make sure that the link from your Google profile goes directly to the author page, not just to your domain. You do this from the links section by adding a custom link. Check the box that says “This page is specifically about me,” and be sure to include rel=”me”.

While this may not improve your position in the search results, it could make your result stand out more than the number one position, as long as you appear above the fold.

Build and Leverage Influential Relationships

You’ve heard enough about engaging your audience to make your ears bleed. What you might not have heard is just how useful Google+ can be as a networking tool. Who would have thought, a social network being used for networking!?

Businesses and bloggers who are on Google Plus “get it.” They get social media, they get SEO, they get inbound marketing. Use Google Plus to find these people and connect with them. Work on a collaborative project like an interview, a survey, a “best of” list, or, yes, a guest post. Promote other people and they will promote you. It’s practically a law of physics. You know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


There you have it, two ways to use Google Plus to market yourself that you might not have heard before. These are huge, so don’t miss out.

Nicole uses Google plus in order to market her business online. Nicole also works for cash for cars San Diego, helping indivuals sell a car.