Marketing Smarter, Not Bigger

By Stacylrust

So many business owners dream of scale.

Parlaying a great idea into an extensive line of products, services, books, and even a movie deal…

The dream is that huge audience…

A large brand presence…

We dream of products reaching around the globe, in the hands of millions.

The more income streams, the better.

Because, we believe scale leads to higher earnings.

But, the problem is many things don’t end up scaling profitably.

And, when things do scale, they almost never scale in the way we might have predicted.

Not every idea lends itself to big branding, extended product lines, and large scale sales.

So, sometimes the smartest, most profitable way forward is to stay lean and quick.

Agile and adaptable, rather than bloated or over-extended.

Because, scale often means it takes longer to make changes or shift direction.

Scale often means large stocks of inventory.

Scale often leads to bigger overhead, more complicated fulfillment, and extra unforeseeable expenses.

Scale sometimes just makes you heavier and slower.

Scale often equates to your dollar bills getting eaten up.

Resist the urge to take a good idea and scale, scale, scale.

Sometimes, the attention, profit, and glory comes from being more strategic.

Sometimes, it’s smarter to simply raise prices or introduce a new offer to the market.

Sometimes, the way to success is by marketing smarter rather than marketing bigger.