March Q & A

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

March Q & A

After having such a positive response to my February Q & A (you can read it here), I wanted to make sure to continue this monthly series in order to let you all get to know me a little better. It is funny to think about but you all really only get to see about 30-60 seconds out of a 24 hour period.

I really do hope you enjoy this Q & A post as much as I enjoyed answering your questions and as always feel free to e-mail me ( if you think of anything you want answered in my April Q & A!

March Q & A

  • How old are you? I am 32 (born August 31, 1986)!
  • Tell me what you like about the Peloton? The flexibility to be able to work out at home whenever I have time!
  • What would you wear to a mid March cocktail attire wedding? IMO this is such a tough question so I rounded up a *handful* of what I think to be great options. 
    • Love how spring-like this dress is. The midi length is a personal favorite.
    • This option is quite pricy but I just love it. It could also work as a great option for a black tie wedding!
    • This dress option is so glam.
    • How fun is the color and style of this dress?? LOVING pink right now!
    • This option is for the girl who has to go to a cocktail attire wedding yet hates dresses. A sophisticated jumpsuit is also acceptable. 
    • Love the print and pleats of this dress. 
  • What stroller do you use for Ralph? I use this stroller and I LOVE it. It even fits in Ralph’s suitcase!
  • Best sushi in Dallas? I think everyone has their favorite spots but my two favorite restaurants in Dallas for sushi are Nobu and Tei An.
  • Are your window treatments custom or where did you buy them? All of the window treatments in our house are custom. 
  • Best tailor in Dallas? Julie at Park Cities Custom Tailors.
  • When did you graduate from T.C.A.? 2005
  • Where do you get your nails done in Dallas? Sophia’s Nail Salon on Lovers Lane. 
  • What is the best tip for organizing Ralph’s room and keeping it clean? No toys! All of his toys are in his playroom however we do keep lots of books in his room. We want to create a calm atmosphere where he can relax and wind down! As far as organization goes, I would just say that I get rid of everything he is not using or outgrows! 
  • Do you use essential oils? No, not my thing but never say never!
  • Biggest challenge with being a mother? This is actually a really hard question. In short, I would say balance. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home and as wonderful as that sounds, sometimes it’s so hard because all I want to do is be with Ralph. As
  • Is Ralph lactose intolerant? This is still up in the air. We switched him to lactose free whole milk because his stomach couldn’t handle regular whole milk but we incorporate dairy in some way into his diet almost daily (a slice of cheese, shredded cheese on his eggs).
  • Thoughts on push presents? Such a personal preference but I did get a push present, so I am *pro* push presents!
  • Did you use your Pipa or is the Doona all you need? At first I did use the Pipa (maybe like a month???) but soon realized the convenience of the Doona. The Doona really is all you need!!!!!!
  • Did you use a night nurse? Also, do you have a nanny and if so how did you find her?  Yes, we had a night nurse and thankfully my nanny search was actually quite seamless. Our first nanny I found through my sister but she was only available part time, which worked great for the first 7 1/2 months of Ralph’s life but as he became busier, we needed someone full time. Luckily, I found our current nanny (who has been with us a little over a year) through a friend! I would say getting referrals within your network is always a great place to start! 
  • How tall are you? 5’5 1/2
  • What’s the next home project? Currently trying to wrap an 18 month project in Idaho!
  • Best classic flats? Chanel
  • Go to nail color? OPI Big Apple Red (I always get a regular manicure because gel weakens my nails)
  • Plans for potty training Ralph? Funny
  • How do you manage screen time with Ralph? Ok, I know I am going to get a lot of shade for this answer but if I am being honest, we really don’t. I grew up in a household where the TV was on the majority the time in the background (lots of golf) and our pantry was stocked with more junk food than you could ever dream. What is funny about having ‘access’ to junk food and the television is that for me it made me NOT CARE ABOUT IT AT ALL. Yes, I can keep Oreo’s, candy and every kind of cookie in our pantry *today* and it doesn’t phase me. If I occasionally feel like it, then I grab one but otherwise those things are pretty much invisible. I remember when I was little a cousin was staying with us and we found him in the pantry slamming Oreo’s (they didn’t allow them in his house) and was glued to the television (he wasn’t allowed to watch that either). Wade and I feel that if you make something not a big deal then the kid won’t see it as a big deal. I will say that in the mornings we do keep the television off in his playroom and we do occasionally attempt to watch a movie together but Ralph is SO busy, he doesn’t  care about the TV unless he is drinking his milk then for that 4-5 minutes, he is in a Sesame Street zone.
  • What do you suggest to invest in for home decor? Do you have any advice on where to save and where to splurge? This is probably not the answer you want to hear but I would say the jewelry. The jewelry of the home are the fixtures (lamps, lighting, knobs, pulls, fixtures). It is amazing to me what a difference going for quality over ‘meh’ will do to the home. To make this make more sense think about it like this. You can spend $10 on a white tee shirt, $15 on a pair of jeans but splurge on your bag and shoes and it elevates the entire outfit, plus you will ALWAYS have the bag and if you take care of your shoes then you will have your shoes for a long time. Comparing this to home decor, I think you can go the non custom route for a home and achieve a similar look to ‘magazine homes’ by putting your dollars towards your fixtures. IMO that is what really makes the biggest difference plus like shoes and bags you can take your fixtures with you to the next space…*gasp* but sometimes couches/rugs/etc don’t fit they way they did in one house but I promise you that lamp or chandelier will always fit!